Wednesday, April 1, 2009

It's not cheap

Well, this is my first blog, and I am very excited about it.
I am writing about the happenings on the ranch. It is never a dull moment, that's for sure!
It seems like there is always something breaking on the ranch. I noticed a few days ago that the water was not flowing out of the windmill as it should....It really needs to work right now because the days are starting to get hot, and my animals need water.....
So I sent Tony (my miracle work hand) over to the site.....and I sent a tractor with Manuel, the driver. I asked Manuel to dig a small trench so that Tony could lay new pipe.....I left the 2 guys to do the work...Eventually, I went to check on them.....OH My Gosh-Manuel had dug a trench that almost reached to China! What the heck were they thinking....and of course I am thinking-hey this is $60.00 an hour for me and these guys will now have to do double work....I left in disgust and let them figure it out.....So-thank God, $600.00 later, my windmill is working properly and my animals will all be happy! Repairs here are never cheap...:)